
  唐迪        2012-12-25        143

时间: 20121225日(周二下午240-400


主讲人: Maria

讲座题目:The Importance of Communication in the Classroom and How to Keep a Class Active


I have taught about 5000 students in this University, and this helped me to clearly understand the important role of communication in the classroom.


It is said that a good student makes a good University, but the teachers are the tools for the students through which to feel interest in the subject being taught.


I found out over many years of work that in order for the student to interact with the teacher there needs to happen a close relationship between students and teacher; a free environment for communication, and undoubtedly a desire, respectively, of teaching and learning.


With the right approach the teacher may help an average student to become a top student, so communication and interaction with my students is, I would say, a constant in my views of what authentic teaching is.


Here are some of the communication techniques that I use in the classroom:


1- Warming up the class, asking how the students are feeling, making some comments about the weather forecast ,etc.

2- Students acting in role playing and the rest of the class evaluating these students.

3- Start the lesson in the book, scheduled for the day.

4- Several students reading passages and interpreting their reading.

5- The whole class taking part in a discussion usually in groups, supervised by myself, going from group to group listening and helping.


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